OMODA and JAECOO debuts at the Goodwood Festival The Jaecoo 7 and Omoda E5 & 5 made their first public appearance

New car brands OMODA and JAECOO shined at the Goodwood Festival of Speed last week

On a day centred on a debut, a Duke, and a racing driver and the global car brand made their first public European appearance at this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed.

The new brand JAECOO was officially welcomed by the event’s main host, His Grace, the Duke of Richmond at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. With meticulous attention to detail, JAECOO’s first model, the JAECOO 7, blends the experience and craftsmanship of teams from across the world, including Europe and China, to establish a new benchmark for modern, advanced off-roaders.

Goodwood attendees were treated to the dynamic debut of the JAECOO 7 as it took on the iconic hill climb in the capable hands of former 1960’s F1 racing driver and 1970 Le Mans winner, Richard Attwood. Encapsulating the brand philosophy of ‘From Classic, Beyond Classic’ – taking traditional values and evolving them for the modern era – the JAECOO 7 effortlessly negotiated the 1,900-metre course with Attwood at the wheel.

The JAECOO stand has already hosted hundreds of visitors keen to be among the first to see its new model in the metal, with thousands expected by the end of the event. The stand, centrally located on ‘The Grid,’ was shared with sister brand OMODA, which showcased its flagship model, the all-electric E5. Demonstration vehicles will be in showrooms later this summer.

OMODA’s engineering and smart technology capabilities were not just limited to its automotive products; it also welcomed an unusual guest to the show, an intelligent robot dog named Dorry. Dorry roamed the grounds off-lead, smoothly performing flips, rolling over, and giving her paw to passers-by.

Models from both brands are also star attractions at the ‘First Glance’ paddock, where the JAECOO 7 and OMODA E5 are on display, with the E5 also located in the popular ‘Electric Avenue’ zone. Any visitors who missed the displays at Goodwood can visit the new showroom at FG Barnes

Omoda and Jaecoo will be featuring on Stand 1470 at the British Motor Show next month! Find out more here